Confessions of a Cheetophobic

I hate Cheetos. One might say I am a Cheetophobic. My family, especially my sister and her husband and children, think this is very funny and do such things as put bags of them in my Christmas stockings.
Why do I hate Cheetos?
Nothing to do with the taste, although I do not really remember what they taste like.
My last memory of them is spitting them out of my mouth, when I was perhaps 3 or so, and my mother was trying to leave me at a church day care. I did not want to be left, I did not want it at all. I cried, I tantrummed (which is not a real word) and they tried to appease me with CHEETOS!!!!! SPIT!!!!!
And this is why I hate them!!!
Thanks for your support.
Please, by all means, continue to buy them, but do not let them near me unless you wish to die!!!

2 Replies to “Confessions of a Cheetophobic”

  1. When I was younger I had a theory about Cheese Doodles. I believed that the Crunchy kind was the type that should be eaten with Lunch whereas the Puffed type should be eaten only at Parties and Events. This lead to the formation of my famous cheese doodle slogan “Puffed Is For Party, Crunch Is For Lunch”

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