What to do? What to do?

I am now a week and a half as a retiree. It still feels more like a vacation than anything else. I think it will not really sink in until I am able to enjoy  a family event that work would have interfered with: a party, a family vacation, working at the family cherry stand.

No, I’m not bored yet by any means. but I can see the potential. When you are working, your life patterns are pretty well planned out for you; go to work, get groceries on your way home, do laundry on your day off and fix things around the house. These events have created themselves out of necessity.

When you are retired, however, you have to create the events, and in some cases you are damn glad to have excuses to do stuff. Running out of laundry soap becomes an exiting  exciting trip to Walmart. Uh-oh, I need cheese; time to go to the grocery store, even though the ONLY thing I need is cheese that I might not actually use for a week. Anything just to have SOMETHING to do.

Eventually, once I am over my “I’m on vacation” state of mind, I will have to start doing all the things around the house that I have been planning on, and then maybe schedule a weekly matinée trip to the movies, which I did not do while working. Anything to keep myself active and keep from getting bored.

What to do, may be a question more difficult to answer than I expected.