Update: Fish and the Back Yard!

Well, they ain’t quite eating out of my hand yet, but I can say that they are becoming more and more accustomed to my presence! I now place the flakes into the water, rather than just sprinkling them on top of the pond. This seems to help, though eventually I would like to see them come to the surface more for their food. The down side to this is that they are probably becoming dependant upon me for food, which means they will be less likely to eat the stuff growing in the pond.

There are, by the way, at least 5 fish, and I suspect all 8 are still there somewhere. A couple of the original koi, Manny and Jack II, are getting quite big. I also think one of them was trying to venture upstream the other day, as I heard an odd splash underfoot just as I was crossing the bridge. Just in case, I blocked off the end of the stream so they will prolly not try this again!

Anyway, I am quite please with the overall result of the back yard restoration, though the lawn is already about half grass and half palm seedlings, and in general I need to work on the water in the garden to help me reduce weeds, which are also about half weed and half palm seedlings. I need some more plants, as well.

BTW, I found the most wonderful thing the other day – bougainvillea that survive down to 20F, which means they should live where I planted them. They are called Barbara Karst bougainvillea. I have just read somewhere else that this plant only handles 30F. Well it doesn’t get that cold here much, but the tag at the nursery said 20F!