Uncle Dave’s Stealth Vacation – New York City: October 17th – 24th, 2011: SPUS

It seems that I suffer from SPUS: Short Person Umbrella Syndrome

This is a unique malady/benefit that only short people suffer/benefit from. You see, being only 5’7″, I am sorter than most of the adult male population. So when it is raining, I have a better than average chance of being able to duck under the umbrellas of other people, as long as I do not have an umbrella as well.

However, I also have a better than average chance of being poked in the eye by almost every woman carrying an umbrella, as I am often right at the eye level of the spokes of their umbrellas.

And, because every other male umbrella is aqbove my head, if I don’t have an umbrella, the runoff from their umbrellas drips onto my head and neck and rivers itself down my back. Quite unpleasant.

So, I bought a hat – it does not have eye guards or neck guards – and have given up on umbrellas altogether, just in time for the sun to come out.