Uncle Dave’s Stealth Vacation – New York City: October 17th – 24th, 2011: Part 1

Well, once again I am doing a big Billython in NYC. This was kind of a last minute decision, kept under the radar.
On Monday night, I did the usual overnight stay at the El Rancho in Milbrae, where I had a nice dinner with my niece, Amy.

Tuesday morning I was up at 3:30 andoff to the airport at 4:30 for my 7:15 flight, which went fine except that I didn’t get my usual business class upgrade. Still the flight was fine and as usual with United, we arrived early and by 4 PM I was on my way into Manhattan.
Well, I have to say that there were several moments when I was pretty sure I was not going to make it into Manhattan, as my driver was busy using his phone and something else, while narrowly avoiding rear-ending the car in front of us, at one point swerving into a thankfully empty lane to avoid doing so.
Checked in at The Fire Trap Hotel (aka Radio City Apartments). Actually got a pretty decent room for a change, on the street like I like it. Yeah, it’s a bit smokey, but a can of Lysol spray does the trick!
Had too much dinner at Dallas BBQ – their sticky sings are the bomb! And then made a quick decision to see Billy because I had not seen Giuseppe. And after the show I met Hugsy2k for desert at Juniors.
When I went to bed on Tuesday night, it was a lovely pleasant evening.

When I woke up at 7:40 AM (GASP! How late is that foe me?) on Tuesday, it was rainy and windy. Fuck! Not too cold, though, just wet. So I went to breakfast at Junior’s and – another GASP! – they have changed the french toast with some kind of sugary crust. Not saying it is bad, but it was different. The bacon, which is usually good there, sucked.
After breakfast I stopped by Taylor’s work and said hello to her, and then returned to the RCA to work on this.
I went out while the maids were working in the room, and had one of my first real NYC sticker shocks ever. Where I come from, a Venti Caramel Mocha Frap at Starbucks is $5.35. Today I was not feeling so bold, so I went for the grande, which I believe is the smallest size: $5.39! WTF!!
Anyway, I am back in the RCA, making plans for what I am going to do between now and showtime. I was going to walk up to Tabac Sherman on 5th avenue, but too rainy. Maybe just amble around Times Square or maybe go down to Wall Street for the free lunch with the protesters.