Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Two

Okay! It is the morning of October 4th and I am in New York, abd except for stressing over the lunch plans,pretty happy.

Yesterday was one hell of a day! Had to get up very early for my flight from SFO to New York, and the stress began right away when I was behind some idiot in the security line that did not know how to quickly fill the bins with his stuff and move along! And then on the other end he was putting his shoes back on right at the bin conveyor rather than gathering his shit and moving to one of the chairs to do all this. To make matters worse,  I nearly ran into this same fellow again when he STOPPED at the exit of a moving sidewalk!!! What a moron!!

Anyway, got seated in a lovely business class seat and we taxied all the way out to the runway before we discovered that something was not working on out plane – apparently one of the things that keeps the plane in the air! So now I am stressed over the delay, whioh turned out to be only about 45 minutes.  Slept some on the plane but did not like the business class that much because the seats are so far apart I could not hang my ipod on the pouch in front of me to watch movies. Ahhh, the trials of the rich and famous.

Now just in case things were not bad enough, the captain announces that there is a weather delay of 25 minutes at JFK. He did this only to stress me out some more, because 10 minutes later we were making our approach, and landed only about 45 minutes late!

Things are looking up. I find that Hugsy2k and RTM2008 have teamed up to upgrade my seat to a wonderful one just where one would want to be for a leaver’s show!

And then I got into – the death car. A tip to those of you traveling in New York: DO NOT tell the car driver that you are in a hurry! Now, this driver was friendly as hell, not only with me but with the person he was TEXTING the entire drive!! He was not friendly with the people he cut off and nearly killed.  He did, however, get me to where I was going in plenty of time.

I guess I will write a review of the shows I see like I always do, en masse at the end of the trip. But I must say that this was a truly emotional night, with everyone in top form! I think Kiril is the best actor of all the Billys I have seen, and a stunning  dancer, and since the reason he is leaving is that his voice is shot, no one cared about his singing. See ya,Kiril!

Okay, more later!