Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Three

Ahh, October 4th is nearly at an end, and I must say it turned out to be a wonderful day.

I should mention that, except for some rain when we landed, it has been lovely here. Today was short sleeved shirt weather.

Morning began with meeting Pugsnort for breakfast at my favorite place, Junior’s. Challah (pronounced “hallah” with a phlegmy first H) french toast – just awesome! Then she and I walked around a bit including a visit to The American Girl Place, scoping out for later shopping. Turns out that, in addition to clowns and mannequins, she is also creeped out by dolls!! To my delight! This place is three floors worth of dolls, or maybe just two, and we toured them all.  She was especially creeped out by the doll hair salon, where they had little salon chairs for the dolls to sit in while they had their hair done! What was even creepier is that it is easier to get up to the upper levels than it is to get down.

She got her revenge upon me by suckering me into riding the GLASS elevator to the 23rd floor of the Marriot Marquis, where she was staying!! Eyes closed the whole friggin’ way!!! Bobz, who had joined us by then, thought this was quite amusing!

So after this fun we met with a bunch of others and rode the subway to Chinatown and enjoyed dim sum. You knew this place had to be good because of the 9 of us, 8 were non-asian; we were the only non-Chinese in the place!! And it was good!  (Pugsy joined up with Rory and her friend and Rory’s mom for lunch elsewhere.)

Then it was time for a final show from Haydn Gwynne as Mrs. Wilkinson. As usual I shall do reviews later. But I will say Trent was in top, top form tonight, and I was especially pleased to meet his mom, Lauretta, who knew right away who I was as the maker of the “Billy Elliot, the Box” video! Trent’s parents are wonderful people.

Also had a chance to get an autograph from Stephen Daldry, another true gentleman. Greg Jbara shared some cookies with us. Looks like he might be getting some husky treats this week!!!

Haydn seemed genuinely touched by the gifts she received from both of the major BETM fan forums!

After the show we had dinner at the Film Center Cafe. Very nice and nice company!

And an early bedtime for me, well at least before 11 PM I am hoping.

A final word: the Native American beggar remains just down the street from my hotel. He is back to paper cups, having somehow lost the metal cup Freebird gave him in May.  🙁

Tomorrow no Billy, so I am gonna be a tourist with whoever is left in New York!