Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Six (The Last Full Day)

Well, the next 36 hours are going to be pure hell with a drop or two of heaven thrown in.

First of all, the weather has started to turn south. Not too bad yet, but may get worse.

Had breakfast outside at Junior’s again, so weather not horrible or anything. Left one bite of french toast on my plate. It is said that if you throw a coin in the fountain in Paris, keep money on your London Oyster card, or leave a bite of french toast on your plate at Junior’s, you will return. Here’s hoping!

Today I pack. Do some last minute shopping I hope. I have two shows, one at 2 PM and one at 8 PM. Then I return to my hotel, finish packing and sleep for maybe 2 hours before I have to get up and go to airport for 6 AM flight! Gawd! And then a 2 hour drive home!

Very nice lunch down by Central Park with Hugsy and Clue. My birthday lunch! Thanks guys!!!

Oh! Oh! Saw my first fender-bender here today! Guy cut in front of a taxi. I left before the guns came out. (That last was Clue’s joke.)

Did not stage door after matinee as I was alone and felt like a stalker. Will go by tonight only to see if Mike or Lauretta Kowalik are there to thank them for the birthday wish.

I am mostly packed and ready to go. Was so tempted to pay $400 to upgrade to business class, but that would be insane.

Gonna meet Clue at Junior’s for a bite before the evening show, but I am the only one going as far as I know. 🙁

Oh, BTW, today was my 57th birthday!!