Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Seven – Home

Well, the Billython is over. I am home, safe and unsound!

First, an UPDATE!!! Remember the shoe debacle on my first day, at the hotel near the SFO airport? Remember how I had forgotten my dress shoes at home and so had to make an emergency run to Kohl’s to buy a new pair? So today I get home and look on the bathroom counter where I last remembered seeing them. Not there! So then I looked some more. And guess where I found them? In the backseat of my car where I had placed them before leaving for San Francisco, so I would be sure to remember them!!! Arggghhhh! But I like the new shoes, too!

On to other things. Went to bed at 12:30 last night, techinically today, New York time, and woke up at 2:30, so I had 2 hours sleep. My car was early so I was at JFK by about 3:30, and they do not even open until 4 and do not check bags at United until 4:30.  And the plane started boarding at 5:30. So at first glance this seems that I was there early for nothing. However, because I was like 2nd in line, I was able to get through and then line up for security, which does not open until 4:45 or so. This is all leading up to the fact that I was second in line at Starbucks, which opened at 5 AM, so I could get some water and a couple of sweet rolls to get me going! So being so early paid off in the end.

Flight quite uneventful. No Business or First Class this time, but the whole economy section was economy plus, so a bit more room. Take off was about 6 AM, and somewhere before 7 I fell asleep and slept solid for at least 2 hours!! Amazing!!

And now I am home to my mundane life, with 3 more vacation days left before I go back to work on Monday!

And now the recap….

This trip rivaled the May UDMWBAA&B for the best trip of my life. If we could have thrown in a few missing friends, it would have been better. So now for the BIG, BIG THANKS (in no particular order) to…..

Pugsnort – for being my breakfast buddy when no one else would be, and for braving the American Girl Place with me even though dolls freak her out. She got her revenge by making me ride to the 23rd floor of the Marriot Marquis in a glass elevator. It is an easy ride when your eyes are closed!

RTM2008 – for getting tickets for me, and for cajoling me into going for dim sum, and holding my hand on the subway. Okay, the last was not quite true.

Bobz – for those really cool round things in boxes and sleeves which I am sure do not exist, and for being my RCA buddy.

JJF – you have always been fun to hang around with, and thanks for showing me Grand Central Station and the “Top of the Rock”, and for hanging around with me when the rest had left us.

ERinVA – so damn glad to finally meet you; loved the boat ride!

Sking – thanks for taking us down to the river. Also a pleasure to finally meet you!

Clue – my meal buddy when all the rest had really gone! Thanks for taking me to White Castle! And thanks for being there for my birthday lunch.

Rorygilmo5  – for bringing a youthful perspective to things, and to her mom for letting her hang out with a bunch of old folks!

Hugsy2k – where do I begin? – for getting me a really cool seat for Kiril’s last show and then being my seat buddy for it;  for taking us to the dim sum place; for buying my birthday lunch – just thanks for it all (and thanks to Jeanette for sharing you with us).

Johnfromvermont – for knowing more about dim sum than a non-Asian should!

Geridith – oh, like so many others, I wish you had been there for the weekend!

Snowtigr – didn’t get any time to spend with you this trip. 🙁

And to all the rest of the fans from both forums, some of whom I only met for an instant, thanks for your friendship.

So many people joined us in spirit – Freebird (really missed you, buddy), Michael (Chad), Mike, and Rashasha1 (some day we will actually get to spend more than 3 minutes chatting in person).

And forgive me if I missed someone important! There were a lot of people there!

I love all of you so much, words can not describe the joys you have given me and continue to give me on a daily basis.

And, of course, thanks to the cast of Billy Elliot and their families, who have been so kind to all of us obsessed fans!