Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Five

Thought I would get today started off. Here are my plans for today!

It is another beautiful day, looks nice and clear!!!

Go to breakfast. Was gonna have the Dunkin Donuts that we bought last night, but they suck, so it is off to Junior’s again!

After that I am gonna do some shopping, for gifts and for zip-loc bags.

Lunch after that, and then, at 4 PM, the dreaded conference call/webinar for my new job.

Then, hopefully, a light supper before what should be Alex Ko’s debut as Billy!  7 PM folks! Do not be late!!!

Walked down to Grand Central Station with JJF, bought some doll stuff at The American Girl Place, and had falafel from a street cart.

New York City is definitely growing on me. It is so alive, people on all the streets all the time! So many places to eat – over 25,000 restaurants in NYC! Even the dirty streets and weird sewer smells are part of the charm. And noise all the time!

Tacos from Qboda for dinner. Just right!

The show this night was amazing – magnificent debut performances from Alex Ko as Billy and Kate Hennig as Mrs. W. Reviews later!

I gave Greg Jbara a ton of Husky Treats! Tommy B.tried one, too, and pretended he was dying, but he liked them!

Also gave Lauretta Kowalik the big prints of the cereal box that the printer made but I could not use.

Then, when I got home, right after midnight, I received a Plaxo e-Birthday Card from…………The Kowalik Krew!!! Must have been set up ahead of time. So kind of Lauretta to think of me!

Perfect ending to a perfect day!

One Reply to “Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Five”

  1. whats a ” felafel” … you mean falafel??? hahaha!!! I hope it was otherwise you might have been eating a delicious stuffed with a young fella in it hahaha!

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