Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part One

nirthday mag for web


My original birthday plans were to go down to Disneyland for a few days, always a fun trip. But when it was announced that Kiril Kulish, one of the Tony-winning stars of Billy Elliot, was giving his last performance on October 3rd, and that Haydn Gwynne, the Tony-nominated actress who plays Mrs. Wilkinson, was giving her last performance on October 4th, I started crunching the numbers and realized it wouldn’t cost much more to go toNew York than it would to go to Disneyland. That is a bald-faced lie, of course, but I am sticking to it.

BONUS: Looks like I will also get to see the debut of Alex Ko as Billy on October 6th or, my birthday, October 7th!!!

The Plan:

Heading out to the San Francisco Airport on Friday afternoon, the 2nd, and will stay overnight at the El Rancho Inn and Suites. Some of you may recall that this is the site of the disastrous start of last May’s New York Billython, where my laptop died and where a hotel pen leaked all over my shirt! Hopefully, this trip will start more positively!

They will keep watch on my car and drive me to the San Francisco Airport very early Saturday morning for a flight to New York, which God-willing will land at 4:00 PM EDT, leaving me plenty of time to get to my hotel and to Billy!

San Francisco:

I am at the scene of last year’s disaster, but all is well except my laptop did boot rather slowly today, and of course I continue to battle the space bar issue, where the bottom right corner of it is dead! Oh, and my room this year is next to the railroad tracks!! Whee! I have been here less than an hour and two trains have rumbled by.

Tomorrow morning I get up at 4 AM for a ride to the airport. In truth, that is way too early, but I know I will not sleep much anyway, so why not?


Just discovered that I left my good shoes at home and all I have are sandals!! Shit! They are good sandals, but not good for rainy weather!

Okay, so I went to a just opened Kohl’s behind the Office Depot from last May’s adventures and bought a new pair of shoes for pretty cheap. Bringing the sandals just in case the new shoes start to hurt!

(Some of you will notice that the logo states “3rd – 8th”, but in fact I am actually going to stay overnight at a  hotel next to the SFO airport on the 2nd! But the Billython really begins on the 3rd!)