Tooth Fairy Pays Up On Old Debts

This is funny. Well, I think so.
First, some background. My pillows usually have three pillow cases on them. And outer one, that just slips on. The next one is a zippered cotton pillow case. These two cases are removed each laundry day and washed. The third, most inward, case is a kind of silky thing that usually stays on the pillow. About once every 6 months I remove it and wash it; doesn’t need more than that.
So anyway, today – laundry day – I remove the first and second layers from one of my pillows, and notice under the thin fabric of the third case, towards the bottom, is something dark and paperish. I think at first that it is the pillow tag, but as I look at it more closely, I notice that it has a bit of green and black, and is really not in the position for it to be a tag. And…is that writing and big numbers on it?
So now I have to explore further. I unzip the case and slide my hand in and already by the touch I know that this has to be money. Is it real money? Fake money? A British pound note from one of my London trips?
Slowly I slide it out and discover, to my delight, that it is indeed a REAL, USA $20 bill!
I do not know how long it has been there. At least 6 months. Nor do I know how it got in there except it must have been in the wash from one of my shirt or pants pockets – or from my mom’s or someone else in the family who was doing laundry.
Or was it…………….THE TOOTH FAIRY???!!! Paying up, with interest, on some long forgotten tooth!!

(Incidentally, this could not have come at a more opportune time, as I had absolutely no cash in my wallet and did not really want to stop at the ATM today!)

2 Replies to “Tooth Fairy Pays Up On Old Debts”

  1. Thanks for sharing. I have found bills in books. Not too often but there have been times that a misplaced bill has become a bookmark. Perhaps you should check your library. I loved your story. Richard Hilliker

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