Confessions of a Cheetophobic

I hate Cheetos. One might say I am a Cheetophobic. My family, especially my sister and her husband and children, think this is very funny and do such things as put bags of them in my Christmas stockings.
Why do I hate Cheetos?
Nothing to do with the taste, although I do not really remember what they taste like.
My last memory of them is spitting them out of my mouth, when I was perhaps 3 or so, and my mother was trying to leave me at a church day care. I did not want to be left, I did not want it at all. I cried, I tantrummed (which is not a real word) and they tried to appease me with CHEETOS!!!!! SPIT!!!!!
And this is why I hate them!!!
Thanks for your support.
Please, by all means, continue to buy them, but do not let them near me unless you wish to die!!!