Blue LEDs

The person who decided that blue LEDs would be really cool to put on electronic devices should be killed!!!
Yeah, they look really good in the daytime when you are using the stuff, but at night, when you want to go to sleep, they are annoying as hell!
My computer is in my bedroom, and I never turn my computer off, a holdover from when turning it off was actually hard on it.
So the front of my computer has a blue led temperature guage which I long ago covered with tape. But then the power light on my speakers, the power light on my printer and some other button on my printer all have blue LEDs also, and I really can’t cover them and I do not want to turn them off.
Now, there are literally dozens of red and green LEDs in my room that are on all the time, and they do not bother me, but those fucking blue ones drive me nuts!!!!