Review: BETM Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Billy: Peter; Michael: Cameron; Tall Boy: Myles

I am not going to get into individual performances. I have reviewed Cameron and Peter before. Both of them are very strong and very good.

Oh, also, the more I see the new Tony, the more I like him. Great acting and good singing voice.

And I am getting into the new Dad. I take back what I said about him not looking like a miner. What does a miner look like?

So, the more I see the show this time, the more I like all of the subtle changes.

I like when Tony finally yells “Open it!” and then says “Sorry!”. Very funny.

In fact, the whole letter scene between Dad and Grandma and Tony is really funny.

I dunno. Everything kind of blurs after a while.

But I will say it, to me, is a fresh new show. I like change, and nothing has been changed for the worse. And there are a lot of things changed for the better.

That is all for this show unless I think of something else.