Review: BETM – Saturday, October 22nd (Matinee & Evening), 2011

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011 – Matinee: Giuseppe; Jack; Joseph as Tall Boy

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011 – Evening: Joseph; Cameron; Peter as Tall Boy

Well, not much more to review. Still like all the changes; still like Emily less and less.

Noticing things that might or might not have  been there before. One of them in particular is at the very beginning, right after everyone is cheering about being on strike, Leslie (I think) goes over to Tall Boy (who is Kevin in that scene) and kind of pushes him back behind the little counter and says something like “You need to hide form your dad” or “Don’t let your dad see you”, which Kevin ignores.

Giuseppe fell out of the final spin in Electricity, and Joseph seemed really tired, especially in Act II.

That’s about it, kiddies!