Review: BETM – Friday, October 21st, 2011

Friday, October 21st, 2011 – Myles, Cameron, Tade as Tall boy

So, I need to approach this delicately. If one has seen a lot of BETMs and a fair number of Billys, it is natural to concede that some boys are better than others. So, if I had been a first-timer at BETM, I would have been pleased with Myles. And I think he is a pretty strong dancer – his Angry Dance was really good. But he is not a great actor. He is just a little too much in some places, trying a little too hard, and a bit shouty in some places as well. Though as the show progressed, he did seem to get better.

The show itself continues to please me. The changes make it seem so fresh and new.

I noticed that they have an accordion player on stage again; maybe he was there before, but I don’t remember it. There was always one in London as near as I remember.

This was only the second time I have sat in AA, and it was a lot of fun. A ballet girl had her finger right in my face when they sang the last “one day closer to your death” at the end of MCMT. So if I die today, it is her fault!

The new Dad and Tony continue to please and Grandma is just fine.

I am tired of Emily Skinner and she seems to be bored with the show. Of all the performers, she does nto seem to make any attempt to freshen up her performance a little, make some subtle changes. Everything she does is so predictable, and she laughs so weirdly and at the wrong time. yeah, I would pay an extra 5 bucks for an understudy!

Speaking of extra money, they are doing the BCEFA drive again, and I could have sworn that Dad said the signed program was $20. I got up to the door and the lady told me $40. It’s for charity, so I did not balk, but I felt stupid later. I could have gotten the CD, which I guess I will get tonight for $20.

Anyway, 4 more shows this trip!