Retirement: Six Months of Freedom!

Today marks my 6th month retirement anniversary. Some days it seems like I stopped working only yesterday. On most days it feels like I have been retired forever. As I write this I am listening to Pandora, something I never used to do. Right now it is playing a mix of all of my channels, which means that about every 4th song is a Christmas tune! I’m already in the mood for Halloween, Thanksgiving (and Black Friday, of course – J/K), and Christmas. What will Christmas be like? I can’t wait to find out. The last month has been annoyingly hot, keeping me from doing more than a couple of hours of work outside in the morning. The result is that I feel like I am not accomplishing anything. Are you supposed to accomplish things when you’re retired. I am probably selling myself short. While I have not gotten a lot done outside, I have been productive indoors, specifically working on my website, The Ferguson Recipes. I completely redesigned the layout, changing colors and images. I also re-wrote a lot of the underlying code to make it more efficient; I still have a lot of work to do on this. And my favorite accomplishment is that I was able to add pictures to the recipes. I went into Sears the other day. It was good to see so many friends, and I still found myself saying hello to customers. I am not optimistic for the company’s future, but I wish them all the best. So retirement is still fun. Now that the cool weather is back, I have started getting more done outside.  Can’t say I have gotten bored yet. I will keep you posted on that. DBF