Raining – Finally

Well it is raining today, finally. Very late for this far into Autumn, almost Winter.
We do not normally have rain much in the summer around here. Even though we live in arguably the greatest agricultural valley in the world, it is only so great because of the canals and irigation system. Otherwise, it is damn near a desert, so we can go a long time without rain.
Anyway, I love the rain, partly because tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and I do not think it should be warm and sunny on Thanksgiving. The weather should be the absolute shits on Thanksgiving Day!
In June of 1959, when I was 6 1/2, our family moved from Chicago to San Francisco. My mother recalls her first Thanksgiving here, away from her family in the midwest, and away from the cold weather she was used to – she was preparing our turkey and outside, in stead of the snow she was accustomed to, it was 70 degrees and sunny.
Anyway, welcome to the rain. Stay as long as you like.
Oh crap! Our firewood is still uncovered – oh well, we can burn some wet wood for a time to two.