Make your own “Cookbook” on The Ferguson Recipes

Now you can have your own recipe sections like “Cooking with Carl, Hugh and your Friends”. First thing you have to do is register. Then send email to the administrator and ask him to set up your “Cookbook”. You can add any of the recipes on the site to your book as well as adding your own recipes to it. And you can allow any registered member to view your book and, if you wish, add recipes to it. Your “Cookbook” will show up in the drop down cookbook menu for you and any of the members you have allowed to view it. This is a great way for you and your friends and family to compile your own collection of favorite recipes!!!! And you can link directly to your “Cookbook”!! Note that while viewing of the books is limited to those members you have added to it, the actual recipes in the book are always viewable as part of the main site.

“Billy Elliot, The Musical” – A Week of Shows in London

Well, it has been a while since I saw the last of my 7 BETMS during my London Billython, and so I thought I would take a moment to talk about how I felt about the show, bit by bit. (NOTE: This review was originally posted on two BETM fan forums; it was expected to be read by people who have at least some knowledge of BETM.)

Billy Elliot, the Musical
October 7th – 11th, 2008

Act I:

The beginning, when Small Boy comes down to the front of the theatre, chats a bit with the MD, and then climbs on stage, is brilliant. You just know something special is happening. And when he sits down to watch the newsreel, it somehow forces the audience to pay attention to it as well.

Continue reading ““Billy Elliot, The Musical” – A Week of Shows in London”

London – October 5th – 13th, 2008

At the risk of sounding just a bit too dramatic, it is nearly impossible to describe the beauty of the moment on Monday morning as our plane came in over the north of Great Britain and the sun was rising in the east, a beautiful sunrise, a magnificent welcome the England. As I sat in my window seat all I could think was that it was finally true, confirmed a few moments later when we actually landed without dying. Continue reading “London – October 5th – 13th, 2008”