My Billy Stats – Updated April 14, 2013

61 shows as of April 14, 2013 (22 in London; 34 in NYC; 5 in Sacramento [BETM Tour])

Uncle Dave’s Mini Billython – Sacramento – April 11th – 14th, 2013:
Thursday, April 11th, Matinee – Mitchell; Sam
Thursday, April 11th, Evening – Drew; Jake
Friday, April 12th, Evening – Noah; Sam
Saturday, April 13th, Matinee – Drew; Jake
Saturday, April 13th, Evening – Ben; Sam

Uncle Dave’s 60th Birthday London Adventure – London – October 3rd – 11th, 2012:
Thursday, October 4th, Matinee – Redmand; Thomas
Thursday, October 4th, Evening – Harris; Joe
Friday, October 5th, Evening – Kaine; Thomas
Saturday, October 6th, Matinee – Harrison; Jack
Saturday, October 6th, Evening – Redmand; Thomas
***Sunday, October 7th – Matilda – My 60th birthday!
Monday, October 8th, Evening – Harrison; Thomas
***Tuesday, October 9th – Mamma Mia! – with JJF; met Leon Cooke and James Gaddas at stage door.
Wednesday, October 10th, Evening – Redmand; Joe

The Last Pirouette (The Closing of BETMNY) – New York City – January 6th – 9th, 2012:
Friday, January 6th, Evening – Julian; Cameron; Tade as Tall Boy –ย  (Fan Appreciation Event in the afternoon!)
***Saturday, January 7th, Matinee – Rent
Saturday January 7th, Eveningย  – Joseph; Cameron; Julian as Tall Boy
Sunday, January 8th, Matinee – Joseph, Peter, Julian, Tade; Jack & Cameron; All Billys played Tall Boy – Final Performance of BETMNY!! (Met Joshua Denyer – OZ Billy – at stage door!)

Uncle Dave’s Stealth Vacation – New York City – October 17th – 24th, 2011:
Tuesday, October 18th – Giuseppe Bausilio; Jack; Joseph Harrington as Tall Boy
Wednesday, October 19th, Matinee (no evening show today) – Peter M; Cameron; Myles as Tall Boy
***Thursday, October 20th – Jersey Boys
Friday, October 21st- Myles; Cameron; Tade as Tall Boy (he was still in training so not playing Billy yet)
Saturday, October 22nd, Matinee – Giuseppe; Jack; Joseph as Tall Boy
Saturday, October 22nd, Evening – Joseph; Cameron; Peter as Tall Boy
45 Sunday, October 23rd, Matinee – Peter; Jack; Myles as Tall Boy; Laura Marie as Mrs. W.
46 Sunday, October 23rd, Evening – Myles; Cameron; Giuseppe as Very Tall Boy; Laura Marie as Mrs. W.

Uncle Dave’s Liberation Celebration – New York City – April 11th – 18th, 2011:
****Tuesday, April 12th – Wicked
Wednesday, April 13th, Matinee – Joseph Harrington, Cameron Clifford
****Wednesday, April 13th, Evening – How to Succeed in Business…
Thursday, April 14th – Alex Ko, Neil Caffrey (fans gave a going away party for Tessa Netting prior to tonight’s show)
****Friday, April 15th – Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Saturday, April 16th, Matinee – Jacob Clemente, Neil Caffrey (dinner between shows with Thommie Retter and other fans)
Saturday, April 16th, Evening – Joseph Harrington, Cameron Clifford
****Sunday, April 17th, Matinee – The Book of Mormon
Sunday, April 17th, Evening – Peter Mazurowski, Cameron Clifford
(Ben Cook was Tall Boy for all shows this week)

Uncle Dave’s Third Annual Birthday Billython – New York City – October 5th – 10th, 2010:
Tuesday, October 5th – Alex Ko, Gabriel Rush
Wednesday, October 6th, Matinee (no evening show today) – Jacob Clemente, Neil Caffrey (my first chair drop in Dream Ballet; he had 5; turns out he had the wrong chair)
Thursday, October 7th (my 58th birthday) – Dayton Tavares, Gabriel Rush
Friday, October 8thย  – Peter Mazurowski/Alex Ko, Neil Caffrey (Peter was replaced by Alex for Act II) (Billy Elliot Adult Workshop before show with Thommie Retter, Greg Jbara, Tessa Netting, David Alvarez & Kiril Kulish)
Saturday, October 9th, Matinee – Alex Ko, Gabriel Rush (dinner between shows with Thommie Retter and other fans)
Saturday, October 9th, Evening – Jacob Clemente, Neil Caffrey
Sunday, October 10th, Matinee – Dayton Tavares, Gabriel Rush (dinner between shows with Thommie Retter and Bobz; met Rarmian Newton at stage door)
Sunday, October 10th, Evening – Peter Mazurowski, Neil Caffrey

Friends in Defiance: The 5th Anniversary Adventure – London – May 7th – 13th, 2010:
Friday, May 7th – Tom Holland & Joe Massey – Tom’s acting was stunning; maybe the best acted BETM I have ever seen; great Electricity but he slipped on his opening tumbling run.
Saturday, May 8th, Matinee – Rhys and Jake Pratt – Good show, Rhys still new. Jake very funny.
Saturday, May 8th, Evening – Dean-Charles & Joe Massey
Monday, May 10th – Rhys and Connor Kelly; David Bardlsey as Dad – Connor is great Michael and liked David B’s dad as well.
Tuesday, May 11th – Tom and Joe – Tom’s Electricity was even better; another great show.
Wednesday, May 12th – Dean-Charles and Connor
Thursday, May 13th, Matinee – Ollie and Connor – Ollie was exceptional, best Angry Dance
Thursday, May 13th, Evening – Rhys and Jake, nice solid show

Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – New York City – October 3rd – 8th, 2009:
Sat Night – Kiril (last show), Keean as Michael, Jacob as Tall Boy
Sun Mat – Trent, Trevor as Michael, Jacob as Tall Boy (Haydn’s last night)
Tues Night – Alex Ko, Keean, Jacob – debut for Alex Ko and Kate Hennig
Wed Mat – Trent, Keean, Jacob – sucky show
Wed Night – Alex, Trevor, Jacob – Awesome Show!
Tommy B. was injured again!! ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

Uncle Dave’s Memorial Weekend Big Apple Adventure & Billython – New York City – May 20th – 25th 2009:
**David A. x 2, Kiril x 2, Tanner x 1, Trent x 1; David B. x 6, Frank x 0 ๐Ÿ™ , Tommy B. x 0 ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ; **first NYC Billy (Frank was out of town or injured, and Tommy B was injured)

Uncle Dave’s Birthday Billython – London – October 7th – 11th, 2008:
*Tanner x 3, Tom x 2, Fox x 2; Shaun x 2, Lewis x 4, Jonty x 1; *first Billy

Billy Totals (26 boys seen, though Tade was only for 1/4 show):
Alex Ko x 5.5
Peter Mazurowski x 4.5 + .25 (BETMNY Final Show)
Joseph Harrington x 4 + .25 (BETMNY Final Show)
Tanner x 4
Tom Holland x 4; He was, by far and away, the best actor I ever saw in the role!
Jacob Clemente x 3
Trent x 3
Kiril x 3
Rhys x 3
Redmand x 3
David A. x 2
Dean-Charles x 2
Fox x 2
Dayton Tavares x 2
Giuseppe x 2
Myles x 2
Harrison x 2
Drew Minard x 2
Julian x 1 + .25 (BETMNY Final Show)
Oliver G. x 1
Kaine x 1
Harris x 1
Ben Cook x 1
Mitchell Tobin x 1
Noah Parets x 1
Tade x .25 (BETMNY Final Show)
Tommy B x 0

Michael Totals (17 boys seen):
Cameron Clifford x 9 + .5 (BETMNY Final Show)
David B. x 6
Neil Caffery x 6
Joe x 5
Lewis x 4
Gabriel Rush x 4
Thomas x 4
Jack x 3 + .5 (BETMNY Final Show)
Keean x 3
Conner Kelly x 3
Sam Poon x 3
Jake Kitchin x 2
Jake ?? x 2
Trevor B. x 2
Shaun M. x 2
Jonty x 1
Jack x 1
Frank x 0