Month 10: Christmas Time Is Here

As I am writing this, it is December 26th. I meant to write this on the real ten month anniversary of my retirement, Christmas Eve, but I was having too much fun snuggled up by a fire, watching Monday Night Football, enjoying a glass of wine. So now, in stead of writing about the anticipation of having the Christmas holidays off, I am writing about how great it was and is.

Saturday night, the 22nd, my sister and brother-in-law, along with my niece, gathered my up and we went to look at Christmas lights. I sat in the back seat all warm and fuzzy in my jammies, enjoying being with family in the knowledge that I had no schedule, no need to get up early in the morning to go to work.

Sunday we had our first Christmas, with my great-nieces and great nephew. This is one of those events that I might not have been able to be a part of in the past, as I would NEVER have been off on the Sunday before Christmas. Again, retirement means I can always say “yes” when it comes to family events.

There is nothing new about me having Christmas Day off, but being able to be off the day AFTER Christmas is new. No getting up at some stupid-ass hour to listen to whiny customers who need to make returns. I didn’t do much today, but I didn’t have to work, and that is what retirement is all about.

But the craziest thing of all about being retired at this time of year is that, when I see the promos on TV for a college bowl game I really want to watch, especially the semi-final games, I automatically think to myself, “Gosh I hope I am off so I can watch it.” That millisecond later when I remember that I am OFF for the rest of my life so heck ya I can watch it, is pure joy!

See you in January.