Memory Cards for My Camera

This morning, as my thoughts turned to my upcoming trip to New York City, I came upon a brilliant idea!

You see, I have a 4GB memory card in my camera. This card will hold about 1100 pictures at the very best settings possible. (I think if I lowered my standards down to 640 x 480 it will hold about 4000 or something.) And I have had the same card in my camera since my trip to London LAST October.

Now, last night a friend of mine posted that he lost years worth of images because his hard drive crashed. But he also mentioned that they were mostly ones that no one wanted to see anymore. His most recent ones were still on his memory card.

Light bulb!!!

Why not just take my almost full memory card and plop it into my safe, and put a new one in my camera. They are only about $15 bucks or less for a 4GB card, which is worth it to me for the safety.

No, I could not find on the net any info on how long the data will remain on the flash card in the safe, but I backup all my pictures to DVD anyway, so I am about as safe as a guy can get.

So I am off to New York soon, and with luck the new card will get me through that trip, plus Thanksgiving, Christmas and then my London trip in May!