February 26th, 2018

As I write this I am on my exercise bike, trying to make up for the 4+ miles I walked every work day. This is my greatest fear, by the way; that I will succumb to sitting on my ass all day, which I previously reserved for days off. So my plan is 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. Weekends off!

I turned 65 in October of 2017, but I wasn’t really 65 until I retired. Suddenly I have found myself looking for senior citizen discounts. I’m one of those old people I kept seeing at class reunions.

One of the first things I have discovered about being retired is that you don’t have to get anything done on time; when you are retired there is no such thing as “on time”. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow have become: got through that one, don’t feel like it, and gonna get my shit together. It is such a weird feeling to not be burdened by a schedule.


One Reply to “February 26th, 2018”

  1. I was mostly out of work, by choice, for a year between 2005 and 2006, and though I got A LOT done in that time, I also squandered far too much time doing nothing at all. Don’t get me wrong. That can be great too, but remind yourself now to not let life’s *good* responsibilities slip away from you. It seems from this blog like you’re not, which is excellent.

    I think a so-called bucket list should be present, if even just in the back of our heads, our whole life through, but if there are places you’ve never been that have always called to you, now is the time to go! Life throws twists at us as we age, so enjoy the places that require walking NOW. Faith is great, but reality’s worth keeping in mind, too, and who knows what your body will want to do even 5 years from now. Though for that, the exercising should help!

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