February 25th, 2018

Yesterday I retired from my job of 24 years, 1 month, and 16 days, and from the last 40+ years in the restaurant and then retail businesses.

My first night of retirement I dreamed I was out shopping for house dresses. I’m a guy, and I have never worn nor do I anticipate wearing a house dress. Unless this is a harbinger of the future.

Speaking of the future, there are two incredibly annoying questions that everyone asks when you say you are going to retire.

Why are you retiring? Because I am tired of working.

What are you going to do when you retire? Not work.

Here is the truth. People retire with the sole intention of finding out how much fun they can have before their money or their health runs out. It’s all a gamble, of course, and a fine balancing act. Have too much fun and all of a sudden you find out you are broke. Have less fun and find out you are terminally ill with a shitload of money still in the bank. (Spell check is correcting “shitload”. But I say if “shipload” is correct than “shitload” should be as well.)

More annoying questions:

Are you going to sleep in? Not on purpose.

Are you going to travel? Some.

Are you going to play golf? See above concerns about having too much fun.

Watch golf? Yes, indeed.

Are you going to write a blog about retiring? Most definitely!

And, in fact, today I have accomplished, in the first 10 hours of my first day of retirement, the following: slept in; traveled – from the bedroom to the bathroom to the kitchen to the office; and watched golf. Not only have I already completed 3 of my retirement goals, but I filled my pill boxes for the next month. And if that isn’t the definition of a fulfilling retirement, I don’t know what is!






One Reply to “February 25th, 2018”

  1. Congratulations again, and good on ya for starting a blog. Don’t stress yourself by updating when you just don’t feel like it, but DO remember to log in and post something now and then. You’ll appreciate the entries later on, as will the rest of us. Enjoy!!!

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