Facebook – Like Hell, Only Worse!

This morning I logged onto Facebook.
My goal: to find the two comments that my friend LadyMck had made on some family July 4th pictures! Now,  one would think that these would be right there at the top of my main page, waiting for me to see. After all, it is MY Facebook page! But no, there are 5 million posts about such scintillating things as “When would you die in a horror film?”, “What character would you be in Harry Potter?”, “If you were a duck would your quack echo?”, along with info about what everyone is doing today: “nothing”, “sleeping”, “wishing they were sleeping”, “going to a huge party tonight”, “resting up from the huge party last night”………………..
So after giving up in that page, I click on photos, hoping to see MY photos!! No! I see everyone’s photos!! The whole world has photographed something and posted it to my Facebook page!

Needless to say, Facebook has overwhelmed me, just as MySpace did before. There is too much shit! My friend Gary has a “pimped out pad in Yovile”! I do not understand why, when I am sure his home in Modesto is nice enough. Someone wants me to join their Farm Town community. I live on a farm, why would I want to join another one?

Facebook makes me think of the tentacles of an octopus, grabbing me and sucking me into its gaping maw, ready to eat me alive if I do not escape it! I want to kill this thing! I want it to go away!

Here is what I really want. A site which does the simple thing of allowing me to say what I am doing and see what everyone else is doing. I want to comment on what I am doing and what other people are doing. I want to have a button I can click to see your pictures and a button you can click to see mine!

I do not want to join any clubs, or groups or be a fan! I do not want to send or receive any virtual gifts because those things are not sellable on Ebay!

Christ, I just want to be free from the cloying, suffocating miasma that is Facebook!