A Review of 5 Performances of “Billy Elliot, the Musical” – October 3rd – 7th, 2009

As many of you know, I am not good at doing a “show” review. I have neither the time nor the patience, nor the memory. So, for my most recent adventure, “Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython” (ADSABB), I am doing my usual compiled impression of performances, highs and lows.

I am not one to shy away from saying negative things. I know a lot of BETM reviewers feel they should never post anything negative, especially about the kids, but I disagree. Feel free to disagree with me.

I saw 5 shows between October 3rd and October 7th, and there is no such thing as a bad BETM, but three of these shows were very special, and fourth was really good, and a fifth was a great BETM like they all are.

Before I begin, I would like to mention that Tommy Batchelor is now my sworn enemy for life. He knows this, too. I have been to New York twice in the last 5 months. Both times the little wanker has been injured. When I told him this he thought it was very funny, but he also had the kindness to suggest that I would have to come back. So while I have never seen him perform, I think that he is just an absolutely wonderful, funny and kind young man. However, rumor has it that you should not let him offer you anything edible or chewable!
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Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Seven – Home

Well, the Billython is over. I am home, safe and unsound!

First, an UPDATE!!! Remember the shoe debacle on my first day, at the hotel near the SFO airport? Remember how I had forgotten my dress shoes at home and so had to make an emergency run to Kohl’s to buy a new pair? So today I get home and look on the bathroom counter where I last remembered seeing them. Not there! So then I looked some more. And guess where I found them? In the backseat of my car where I had placed them before leaving for San Francisco, so I would be sure to remember them!!! Arggghhhh! But I like the new shoes, too!
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Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Six (The Last Full Day)

Well, the next 36 hours are going to be pure hell with a drop or two of heaven thrown in.

First of all, the weather has started to turn south. Not too bad yet, but may get worse.

Had breakfast outside at Junior’s again, so weather not horrible or anything. Left one bite of french toast on my plate. It is said that if you throw a coin in the fountain in Paris, keep money on your London Oyster card, or leave a bite of french toast on your plate at Junior’s, you will return. Here’s hoping!
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Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Five

Thought I would get today started off. Here are my plans for today!

It is another beautiful day, looks nice and clear!!!

Go to breakfast. Was gonna have the Dunkin Donuts that we bought last night, but they suck, so it is off to Junior’s again!

After that I am gonna do some shopping, for gifts and for zip-loc bags.

Lunch after that, and then, at 4 PM, the dreaded conference call/webinar for my new job.

Then, hopefully, a light supper before what should be Alex Ko’s debut as Billy!  7 PM folks! Do not be late!!!
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Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – The Hotel Room Door and Other Oddities!


As many of you know, the Radio City Apartments (which is actually a hotel) still uses keys for the rooms, one for the deadbolt and one for the other lock! The deadbolt in my room is installed backwards, so when you turn it to lock, you turn it away from the jamb!! Took me a while to get into my room on Saturday!!!

The other weird thing is the high-rise office building across the street from my room! It NEVER turns the lights off!! Even when no one is working in there!! And the effect it has is that when I look  out my window from my bed, I have no way of knowing if the sun has come up yet! Very creepy. I mooned them this morning.

Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Four

Today, October 5th, was a good day.

First some sad news – my sister called to advise that one of the fish died. She wanted to know what to do with it…I told her to chuck it into the orchard! LOL

On to the day! No Billy shows tonight.  🙁

Started the day off with breakfast…..guess where!!!! Yup! Juniors! Sking, ERinVA and I had a nice breakfast there. I had the usual. JJF joined us at the end and we all walked down to the Circle Line boat tours, where Sking left us as he had already done it. JJF, ERinVA and I did the half circle tour of lower Manhattan! Excellent!! I took 455 pictures and would have gotten more if my battery had not died! Which really sucks because I have three extra batteries and did not bring any with me on the boat! Very fun tour; got nice shots of Statue of Liberty!
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Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Three

Ahh, October 4th is nearly at an end, and I must say it turned out to be a wonderful day.

I should mention that, except for some rain when we landed, it has been lovely here. Today was short sleeved shirt weather.

Morning began with meeting Pugsnort for breakfast at my favorite place, Junior’s. Challah (pronounced “hallah” with a phlegmy first H) french toast – just awesome! Then she and I walked around a bit including a visit to The American Girl Place, scoping out for later shopping. Turns out that, in addition to clowns and mannequins, she is also creeped out by dolls!! To my delight! This place is three floors worth of dolls, or maybe just two, and we toured them all.  She was especially creeped out by the doll hair salon, where they had little salon chairs for the dolls to sit in while they had their hair done! What was even creepier is that it is easier to get up to the upper levels than it is to get down.
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Uncle Dave’s Second Annual Birthday Billython – Part Two

Okay! It is the morning of October 4th and I am in New York, abd except for stressing over the lunch plans,pretty happy.

Yesterday was one hell of a day! Had to get up very early for my flight from SFO to New York, and the stress began right away when I was behind some idiot in the security line that did not know how to quickly fill the bins with his stuff and move along! And then on the other end he was putting his shoes back on right at the bin conveyor rather than gathering his shit and moving to one of the chairs to do all this. To make matters worse,  I nearly ran into this same fellow again when he STOPPED at the exit of a moving sidewalk!!! What a moron!!
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