Hold My Beer?

For those of you who have not watched TV or been online in the last few years, you may have missed the whole “hold my beer” thing. Where someone says something that the person next to them sees as a challenge and says, “Hold my beer.”

BRITAIN: Brexit is the stupidest, most self-destructive act a country could take.
USA: Hold my beer.

I mention this because I just saw a TV commercial for CapriSun where one keep is blocked from sitting down at a middle school lunch table by the mean kids. So the nice girl hands her CapriSun pouch to the girl next to her and says “Hold my pouch.” She then proceeds to rearrange the entire cafeteria so the tables are in a square, which I guess solves the mean kid problem, though I don’t know how. The tag line of the commercial is “Trust us. Us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. Don’t think so? Hold my pouch.”

Practicing for the “Hold my beer” stage of life…in high school!

Don’t Sniff It!

I was watching a laundry detergent commercial where the lady was talking about all of the dirty, stinky laundry in her family, and then she sniffs it and grimaces. I have an idea: DON”T SNIFF THE LAUNDRY! You know it is gonna stink, so just toss it in the washer and dump in some of that detergent you are trying to sell me!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂